• 工作时间 : 8:30 AM - 10:30 PM

  • 3/10/2020





1. 澳洲八大校Group of eight:


这8所澳洲大学为The University of Melbourne, The Australian National University, The University of Sydney, The University of Queensland, The University of Western Australia, The University of Adelaide, Monash University and UNSW Sydney.

2. 澳大利亚技术大学网The Australian Technology Network:

汇集了澳大利亚最具创新力和进取精神的5所大学,专注于行业协作、对现实世界的研究,与工业界和政府建立伙伴关系,为政府和企业在现实中遇到的问题和挑战提供解决方案。这5所大学包括:QUT, University of Technology Sydney, RMIT University, University of South Australia and Curtin University. 

3.  区域大学网Regional Universities Network:

由6所大学组成的网络,总部设在澳大利亚的偏远地区,这6所大学承诺在各自的地区发挥变革性的作用。通过对所在区域内的经济、社会、文化和环境发展的教学和研究贡献,各成员大学在促进澳大利亚的国家繁荣、生产力和身份认同方面发挥着重要而独特的作用。这6所大学包括:CQUniversity, Southern Cross University, Federation University Australia, University of New England, University of Southern Queensland and University of the Sunshine Coast.

4. 创新研究型大学网(Innovative Research Universities network):

由7所澳洲大学组成,致力于用最高标准的教学、学习和研究,为社区提供服务。作为制定澳大利亚大学政策的一个建设性中心,这7所大学提倡并支持在教学、学习和研究方面优秀的政策,这些都具有地方相关性和全球适用性。7所大学包括: Charles Darwin University, Flinders University, Griffith University, James Cook University, La Trobe University, Murdoch University and Western Sydney University.






考古学专业TOP 10 澳洲大学 艺术与人文专业TOP 10 澳洲大学
The Australian National University
The University of Sydney
The University of Queensland
La Trobe University
Monash University
The University of Melbourne
The University of Western Australia
James Cook University
Macquarie University
University of New England Australia
The Australian National University
The University of Sydney
The University of Melbourne
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
Monash University
The University of Queensland
Macquarie University
The University of Adelaide
The University of Western Australia
RMIT University
建筑、建筑环境专业TOP 10 澳洲大学 英语言文学专业TOP 10 澳洲大学
The University of Sydney
The University of Melbourne
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
RMIT University
The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
The University of Queensland
Curtin University
Griffith University
Monash University
Queensland University of Technology
The University of Sydney
The University of Melbourne
The Australian National University
Monash University
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
Macquarie University
The University of Queensland
The University of Western Australia
The University of Adelaide
Flinders University
工程技术专业TOP 20 澳洲大学 计算机科学与信息系统专业TOP 20澳洲大学
The University of Melbourne
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
The University of Sydney
Monash University
The Australian National University
The University of Queensland
RMIT University
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
University of Technology Sydney
The University of Western Australia
The University of Adelaide
The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
University of Wollongong
Curtin University
University of South Australia
Deakin University
Swinburne University of Technology
Macquarie University
Griffith University
Western Sydney University
The University of Melbourne
The Australian National University
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
The University of Sydney
Monash University
RMIT University
The University of Queensland
University of Technology Sydney
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
The University of Adelaide
The University of Western Australia
Curtin University
Deakin University
Macquarie University
Swinburne University of Technology
The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
University of South Australia
University of Wollongong
La Trobe University
Victoria University
Western Sydney University
Griffith University
化学工程专业TOP 10 澳洲大学 土木及结构工程专业TOP 10 澳洲大学
Monash University
The University of Melbourne
The University of Queensland
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
The University of Sydney
Curtin University
RMIT University
The University of Adelaide
The University of Western Australia
The University of Newcastle, Australia
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
The University of Sydney
The University of Melbourne
Monash University
The University of Western Australia
Queensland University of Technology
RMIT University
The University of Adelaide
The University of Queensland
The University of Newcastle, Australia
生命科学与医药类专业TOP 10 澳洲大学 机械、航空和制造工程专业TOP 10澳洲大学
The University of Melbourne
The University of Sydney
Monash University
The University of Queensland
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
The University of Western Australia
The University of Adelaide
The Australian National University
The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
Deakin University
The University of Melbourne
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Australia)
The University of Sydney
Monash University
RMIT University
The Australian National University
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
The University of Queensland
University of Technology Sydney
The University of Adelaide
会计和金融专业TOP10澳洲大学 电子电气工程类专业TOP10澳洲大学
The University of New South Wales
The University of Melbourne
The University of Sydney
The Australian National University
Monash University
The University of Queensland
Macquarie University
The University of Adelaide
The University of Western Australia
University of Technology Sydney
The University of Melbourne
The Australian National University
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Australia)
Monash University
RMIT University
The University of Queensland
The University of Sydney
The University of Adelaide
The University of Western Australia
University of Technology Sydney
企业管理专业TOP10澳洲大学 护理专业TOP10澳洲大学
The University of Melbourne
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
Monash University
The University of Sydney
The Australian National University
RMIT University
The University of Queensland
The University of Western Australia
University of Technology Sydney
Deakin University
University of Technology Sydney
The University of Sydney
Monash University
The University of Melbourne
Deakin University
The University of Adelaide
Griffith University
The University of Queensland
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
University of South Australia
材料科学专业TOP 10澳洲大学 酒店与休闲管理专业TOP6澳洲大学
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
The Australian National University
Monash University
The University of Queensland
University of Wollongong
Swinburne University of Technology
The University of Adelaide
Curtin University
Griffith University
University of South Australia
Griffith University
The University of Queensland
Monash University
University of South Australia
Southern Cross University
La Trobe University


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